Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Strawberries and Kate" gouache on paper

Working with children presents a big problem like "hope I can remember this 'cause this child is not sitting still for 5 seconds". So, working from a 2 minute pencil sketch with notes on patterns and colors, I painted this at home. With only spending a short amount of time in gouache, an opaque watercolor, I captured the essence of Kate and the colorful, little package she presented. Far from a portrait, but it does look like her!


martinealison said...

L'essentiel est de saisir le moment avec vos émotions... et je pense que vous y êtes parvenue...
Hummm les fraises!

Julia said...

Wow, Kathryn, I'm very impressed. You've got a great talent. JB

dulcy said...

What a lovely little valentine Kate makes! I'm far from sketching, notes, and finishing later.... although I would love to be able to do that. Right now I need a picture to work from. Do you use a camera to record images to paint later? Hope things are melting up your way. So enjoy coming here for inspiration!

susan jenkins said...
