Sunday, December 12, 2010

"About the Glass" oil on linen 18" x 20"

I had mentioned before that I had purchased some pretty blue glass on etsy. The cobalt blue creamer I thought was beautiful in the light. I like the way glass distorts objects viewed through. What I was focusing on in this painting, besides just having it turn out OK, was transparency and opaque, as well as matte and reflective surfaces. I like the fact that in a still- life all of the objects sit still, barring no bumps to the table. Flowers constantly move, people breathe, but, with a consistent light source objects stay put. I use a big black-out cloth for draping my light box, which is set up like the framing of a box, using PVC pipe. Therefore, as the day progresses and the light moves across my studio, I don't have to worry about the light changing. Too bad the present does not contain a reward for all my hard work....just a prop.


martinealison said...

Très beau jeu de lumière, de transparence et l'ensemble danse bien ensemble... Bravo.

myra anderson said...

this painting is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!

dulcy said...

Your paintings are so beautiful, and the subject matter is exactly the kind of thing I would love to be able to do. I'm going to try some sort of still life with my pastels soon. I'm working on a portrait pencil drawing of a woman's profile at the moment, and it's making me crazy. I just can't seem to get into it because I can't get it right. Frustrating! But it's for my class.. and I want to finish it. Pastels are calling me though. And.... paint chips... what a good idea! I think it's great fun looking at paint chips in Lowe's or Home Depot. I get color inspired many times when I'm least expecting it. When I get jazzed up by certain colors, I can't stop thinking about them until I somehow incorporate them into my life. I may see a display in a magazine of things thrown together, or wallpaper that just gets to me and I create a hooking project based on that color combination. I saw a fall/Halloween display in a flower shop window of wonderful golden greens (I don't really know what to call it) with sort of a rose/pumpkin color. I designed and hooked a small rug using those colors to put on a table that is glass held up by four bird bath basin pedestals. I then ended up painting the pedestals the same shade of green used in my little rug. I currently am very inspired by jewel tone colors, and my next rug, which I'm hoping to be large and somewhat abstract, will most likely use some nice golds and reds. I'm actually going to Lowe's today to look at some screen doors. I'll definitely load up on some paint chips!

Mike said...

wonderful color and light study...

Mike said...

wonderful color and light study...

emily said...

I love how many different colors you have used! It is so lovely - in fact - I can say with certainty that your version of the creamer is more beautiful than the actual thing!