Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Early Tulips" 8" x 8" oil on gessobord

I've been working like made lately on these tulips to get as much wear out of them as I can. I wanted to put emphasis on the shadow that the tulips are creating in this painting. You know how you can see the finished piece in your mind.....but you cannot quite make it a reality? Well, I want to try this again with the shadow on the right side and really make it pop out more as a dominant shape. This time I see the shadow and tulips are almost a mirror shape of each other. And I don't think that is a good thing.

"Pinks" 6" x 6" oil on gessobord

Same tulips, the next day. First, I think my picture is a little out of focus. I like thinks to look a little out of focus in the painting, but this was a mistake. I like do things unfocused as a technique. Thus, I don't wear my glasses when I paint. If I can't see it, it's not there. Great way to clean the house, too! Like my new little etsy teapot?

"Tulips and Lemons" 8" x 8" oil on gessobord

This is my last chance with these tulips, for they are spent from the hot lights. I added the lemons to this composition for a change and I haven't painted lemons in a while. I love it when the light shines through a cut piece of lemon.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Grapefruit and honey" 8" x 8" oil on gessobord

I continue to paint every day. Good thing the weather is too bad to be outdoors cleaning up. I have been meaning to repaint certain paintings on a new board. Especially if I realize what went wrong, and just to try and confirm my hunch. The next painting I want to try again today, "Early Tulips". I really wanted more shadow to show with more blues.

"Early Tulips" 8" x 8" oil on gessobord

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Just Before Lunch" 12" x 12" oil on gessobord

I enjoyed working on this painting, for this time I used a lot of thick and juicy paint. I think I need to get away from the apple obsession I have, but practice makes perfect. Right?
 I'm learning to take more time in mixing colors on my palette and to work primarily with a clean palette. Still, my composition issue is ever present and that I work on every day. This painting is listed in my etsy shop here.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

"Juicing" 12" x 12" oil on gessobord

Well, I'm gonna try to get out of my whining stage of how difficult it is to set up a still life and being stuck. I'm turning my cupboards inside out to find something new with which to work. And voila, this little green bottle appeared and I worked with it several times. I had fun painting the knife with the reflection of the bottle.

"Party Time For the Red Apples" 12" x 12" oil 

This, actually, was my first attempt with the green bottle and I do like the way it turned out better. I'm trying to get the hang of painting in those necessary reflections. I'm working with some more bottles today, which I will post tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"First Pick" 12' x 12" oil on gessoboard

I am finally getting back to the daily painting, much to the expense of other business, but this is the way it needs to be. These daffodils were on the way out, so I really wanted to paint them. I was originally trying to make the flowers a darker value, with highlights on the ends of the create more of a 3-D effect. Then, when standing back, I realized I had overworked the blooms and lost the darker value. I'm here to post the good, bad and the ugly. Well, perhaps not the ugly. But you can see that my painting days are by no means perfect. I may go back today and rework the upper area of the painting. Too much green, also, in the stems.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"4 Apples" oil on gessobord

Well, the slump I was in seems to be at bay for awhile. So I'm painting as much as time allows. I still love to paint those green apples!

"The Great Escape" oil on gessobord

And in march the eggs. I'm thinking that with my new inspiration I shouldn't push it to much with the wild compositions, not that I paint wild things anyway. I really love the shape of eggs and the way different light falls on every point of the surface. I actually had fun painting this set up and decided not to worry about my reason for justifying each brush stroke. I just liked the light.

"Blue Egg Cup" oil on gessobord

no comment. Just trying to enjoy the process again.

"As American As"

A doctor friend of mine has this wonderful eagle on his desk and I've been wanting to paint it for years. So I finally got up the nerve to ask if I could borrow it for awhile. Well, yesterday, I knew, was its' last day in my studio, so I had to do something with it. The rose is not too rosey nor the apples red enough, but the eagle does preside over this image. I tried not to get too hung up on the details of the wings and globe it is sitting on.. So in an hour I did manage to capture a certain feel I was after. I would like my paintings to go more in the direction of muted colors, greyed colors, in fact. I did this painting in one hour and said what I wanted to say without moving to a larger surface to catch more of the details. Now, if only tomorrow can be as inspiring between shoveling what, I've heard, is more snow on the way. I have many ideas brewing as subjects to paint. Food prep is one of them.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Lemon Tea Bag"

Well, I have been away from my blogging for almost 3 months now. Nor have I been painting much during this time. I've hit a real block on what to paint. Putting a still life together to paint is such a difficult task for me. I have painted a few still life pieces, but have been so disappointed with the outcome. I was doing other things during this time, like making quilts and listing in my shop on etsy for the Holidays. But I was afraid to paint. So I figured that I needed a big break in my routine, to focus on other things, and return to painting when I was excited about something to paint. Today I was excited about painting and it didn't matter what was in front of me. This is the last piece I did several months ago.

"Kissing Eggs"

And then my inspiration light went out.